Do I need a Coach, Mentor, Consultant or Cheerleader? (3 mins)

Written by Celine Teoh

What is the difference between a coach, consultant, mentor, (or cheerleader)?

Coaches ask challenging questions to help you discover the answer 

  • They unleash your potential to maximize your performance

  • They offer: 

    • A confidential and judgment-free zone where you can broaden your thinking and develop transformational insights

    • Options in the form of frameworks and tools you can use to make smarter, better decisions

  • You’re in control: you choose what actions to take to move forward

Consultants/Advisors ask questions up front to frame the problem. They focus on getting you the answer: they have it, or will find it for you

  • They are experts in their fields and provide professional, technical advice on a well-defined problem

Mentors share their experiences

  • They have “been in your shoes”, and can share knowledge, insights, and guidance that is applicable to your path

Cheerleaders just support you

  • They believe you have the answer

  • They don’t question you

It’s important for you as a leader to have - and embody - all four of these roles in your life!

But I just want someone to tell me what to do!

At Mochary Method, we largely play more of the coach role. Occasionally, when appropriate, we can “take off the Coaching hat” and put on the Mentor, Consultant, or Cheerleader hat.

Our clients are the best in their fields, and the experts in their businesses — often in an area where they are forging new paths. As your coach and thinking partner, we’ll help you combine prior knowledge and experience with new insights, tools and skills to find solutions and the path forward.

How is coaching different from therapy?

Many of our clients have therapists AND coaches and see the value in both.


  • Forward-looking

  • Designing the future, imagining possibilities

  • Building things 

  • Focused on insight and action

  • Helps us move into high performance


  • Backward-looking

  • Digging and analyzing

  • Focused on understanding and fixing

  • Helps us move out of dysfunction 


  • Think about who fills these roles for you: Coach, Mentor, Consultant, Cheerleader. Licensed therapist, if needed

  • Do you have any blanks? Sometimes one person can fill multiple roles (Not therapists though, who fill a very specific need)

  • If you don’t have a coach, we recommend getting one. Feel free to reach out to any of the Mochary Method Coaches, or look into Matt’s Coach Recommendations

  • Also: Notice what roles you play for your team. What do you gravitate towards? What role should you step more into?

Credits: Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute, Pedro Pinto, Smart ELD, Mitzi Bockman for inspiring this write-up, which first appeared on the Mochary Method Curriculum. Images from Luis Ruiz and Michael Maggs.

Author: Celine Teoh 2022


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