Is CEO Coaching Worth It? (2 mins)

Written by Celine Teoh, Alexis d’Amecourt, Sabrina Wang

Mochary Method is premium priced. One month with our coaches costs $10,000. Matt and Alexis charge $12,500. That’s a commitment.

No wonder prospective clients sometimes wonder if it’s worth it. And they question if they can sell it to their boards. Especially in these economic times.

Research shows that the ROI on typical executive coaching is anywhere from 6x to 9x. And with Mochary Method coaching, our clients see even greater returns, thanks to the outsized impact that coaching the C-suite has on the entire organization.

Steve Huffman: “When Sam Altman introduced me to Matt he said, ‘Matt will add a billion dollars of value to Reddit.’ I’ve been coaching with Matt now for 3 months, and I think that he already has.”

But the benefits of coaching go beyond just the financial returns. What is it worth to become the leader you want to be? What price would you put on transformation?

Investing in Mochary Method coaching is a commitment, but it is a commitment to the success of yourself and your organization. We believe the ROI will be well worth it, and we invite you to experience the transformative power of our coaching for yourself.

Mochary Method client case studies: 

Client with revenues of $50 million has big B2B contracts that are not closing

After one session with a Mochary coach, the CEO realizes the need to attend sales meetings to close crucial deals. Deals start closing. Successful meetings yield customer and process insights that are propagated across the sales team.

Result: Conversions go up by 5%. That’s $2.5 million annualized incremental revenue on $120k annual coaching cost. 

ROI: A whopping 21x! Or way more if you consider this happened after one coaching session.

Client is having a tough time integrating engineering teams after an acquisition

After 1 session with a Mochary coach, they realize the unlock is redefining and clarifying roles & responsibilities, while putting boundaries to protect the innovative culture of the acquired company. 

Result: A key product from the joint teams is delivered on time, underpinning the growth of the acquirer. 

ROI: Realization of the revenue and innovation culture synergies of the $multi-million transaction, hitting a key product milestone; estimate of double-digit ROI

Client has conflict with a key executive who’s underperforming

CEO is having a months-long conflict with an underperforming key executive/founding team member who is defensive when receiving feedback. The CEO feels like they can’t let this person go, so the leader is kept on for months even though key KPIs are falling behind and team morale and retention is dropping.

After a few sessions with a Mochary Method coach, the CEO finally decides to let this executive go with a generous package. The coach and the CEO rehearse and role-play the difficult conversation, which leads to the executive being calm and accepting when hearing the news. The CEO also works with the coach on a communication plan to the rest of the company that receives great feedback from employees.

Result: Leadership team alignment, and the CEO no longer has to closely manage an underperforming executive.

ROI: Revenue and cost-related KPIs are back on track. Retention from the leader’s team goes up, and the team does not have to spend more time and energy on hiring externally. Estimate of double-digit ROI!

Leadership team effectiveness

Client heads up multi-billion $ company where the executive team is not gelling

The team is experiencing conflict and challenges working together due to their remote-first arrangement, managing diversity, building strong relationships, and crafting a culture of safety. 

Their Mochary coach develops and runs a custom leadership offsite where the team comes together. The outcome is, in the words of the CEO, transformational.

ROI: Leadership team is more connected, has less conflict, and is ready to guide the company through IPO and beyond. Estimate of minimum of double digit ROI


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